February 7th 2025
“The most important tip as a physician, when you talk to the patient, sit down. Even if you sit down for 5 minutes, it's worth almost 5 hours,’ Leon Kircik, MD, said in his interview with Dermatology Times at SBS 2025.
Patient access to care suffers as Congress drags feet on Medicare fix
July 1st 2010One of the main rallying cries for passage of healthcare reform legislation was to improve access to healthcare for the 47 million (or 32 million, depending on which source you happen to read) Americans who previously didn't have health insurance. Legislation that corrects this obvious shortcoming of our healthcare system is certainly welcomed. However, does this law accomplish that goal?
Physicians may be responsible when employees commit HIPAA violations
July 1st 2010Dr. Eczema has a very large dermatology practice and performs studies on new treatments for a variety of dermatoses. Recently, one of the pharmaceutical companies with which Dr. Eczema works contacted his research nurse to ask her to provide a copy of all of this electronic data, which she does. A former research patient finds out and has an attorney inform Dr. Eczema he will sue for a HIPAA violation unless he settles with his client for $100,000.
Nine signs your billing process needs improvement
June 1st 2010As reimbursement declines and overhead rises, dermatologists can't afford anything short of a perfect billing and collections process. Successful billing outcomes depend on many factors, and entrusting the entire process to someone else without appropriate oversight simply isn't smart business.
Biopsy billing an important revenue source for dermatology practices
June 1st 2010The biopsy is a major revenue source for dermatology practices, emphasizing the need for correct biopsy billing practices. Dermatology practices tend to make mistakes in two key areas: basing their billing on intent, and in misrepresenting services.
Before selling your medical practice, establish an internal buyout fund
June 1st 2010As an attorney and a consultant to thousands of physicians across the country, we are constantly astounded by the attitudes of physicians regarding the sale of their medical practices. Most often, we hear the complaint that doctors do not feel they can sell their practice for any significant value.
Credentialing process can be made simple
May 1st 2010Credentialing a new doctor with third-party payers (including Medicare) is a tedious but necessary process. Even small mistakes can result in setbacks - even worse, application denials - all of which can rob dermatology practices of precious revenue, experts say.
E-prescribing a boon or a bane to dermatology practices?
May 1st 2010Could e-prescribing be a boon to the operation of your practice? Or is it one more layer of bureauracy the federal government is trying to lay on physicians? On Call wondered whether dermatologists are using e-prescriptions, and if so, whether they actually like them.
Derms cut back as economy continues to pinch
May 1st 2010Just as patients are delaying or downsizing elective treatments, the economy is pushing dermatology practices to do more with less, sources say. From manpower to marketing dollars, practices are economizing while also seeking to maintain - if not improve - patient service.
Before implementing EMRs, heed words of warning
May 1st 2010Some time ago, I wrote an editorial in this magazine describing my early experience with the use of an electronic medical record. In the article, I indicated that this technology was a valuable addition to the medical office, but there was a fairly steep learning curve and some difficulties in creating a coherent and understandable document. After three years of using an EMR, much of what I said before remains valid.
Providing quick appointment access to patients boosts practice's value
May 1st 2010From fast-food restaurants churning out a meal in just minutes to the Internet culling through millions of documents in mere seconds, Americans are used to getting what they want, and getting it now. Have you figured the value of patient access to your practice?
Avoid claim denials by using modifier 59 correctly
May 1st 2010Casselberry, Fla. - Incorrect use of modifier 59 in dermatology is the single most common reason for claim denials by Medicare and commercial insurance carriers, according to Inga C. Ellzey, M.P.A., R.H.I.A., C.D.C., president and chief executive officer of Inga Ellzey Practice Group, Casselberry, Fla.
Cost control: Boost revenue by auditing claims processing
April 1st 2010Physicians are looking for ways to control costs and increase income as malpractice premiums and practice overhead costs skyrocket and rates paid by insurers decline. Many physicians have exhausted cost-control measures, and most are not aware that they can increase their revenue by improving coding and overall claim processing and reviewing their payer contracts.
Increase revenue by implementing slide prep lab in-house
April 1st 2010The slide preparation lab seems a logical extension of dermatology practice, yet few dermatologists tap into this revenue-producing option. Adding a histopathology component to your practice generates long-term revenue to help make up for dwindling reimbursement and aesthetic devices.
Dermatologists oppose healthcare reform's IPAB panel, lack of Medicare fix
April 1st 2010Dermatologists say they will vigorously oppose many portions of the newly passed healthcare reform bill, although they say it's too soon to determine exactly how. Chief objections are the bill's creation of an independent payment advisory board (IPAB) for Medicare and lack of a fix for Medicare's sustainable growth rate (SGR), sources say.
Online patient portals improve work flow, handle multiple functions
April 1st 2010Internet-based patient portals are Web sites with real horsepower. In addition to posting static information, such as office hours, physician and staff profiles and a list of services, portals deliver functionality to patients. These points of virtual access to your practice generate patient satisfaction because they provide convenient, 24-hour, self-service options to handle many interactions with your practice.
Beware significant increase in bad debt during tough economic times
March 1st 2010The new decade started out to be challenging, frustrating and concerning for everyone. Whatever the future brings, it is evident that physicians who want to remain profitable and avoid decreases in their practice revenues must be proactive.
If you're running behind, try these tactics to get back in the groove
March 1st 2010There's nothing more frustrating to patients and staff than a dermatologist who constantly runs behind. Running behind is a vicious cycle; until you root out its causes and take action, everyone - including you - will be miserable.
Online physician rankings can boost, harm a practice
March 1st 2010Love or loathe them, public Web sites that let patients rate their physicians aren't going away, experts say. Making these sites work for you rather than against you requires ongoing vigilance, broad-based patient participation and - for some physicians - patient contracts, they add.
Derms discuss how economy impacts their practices' growth
February 3rd 2010We asked a number of doctors around the country whether they are adding procedures, therapies or equipment to their practices this year, and how those plans are being impacted by economic conditions. While some dermatologists are being cautious, others are actually using the economic challenges to plan for the future of their businesses.
Government outlines objectives for electronic health record incentive program
February 3rd 2010Dermatologists are one step closer to understanding how to access the electronic health record (EHR) incentive payments promised in the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Enacted in February 2009, ARRA provides incentives for physicians who demonstrate "meaningful" use of a certified EHR system.
Editorial: Is defensive medicine a good practice?
January 1st 2010Recently, a 27-year-old woman consulted me about hair loss of several years' duration. She was in otherwise good health, and she proved this by showing me an impressive list of perfectly normal laboratory results indicating, among other things, that she did not have anemia or thyroid disease.
Avoid personnel problems by putting a dress code policy in place
January 1st 2010With all of the talk about the government's EMR stimulus package, new CPT codes, and the impact of the turbulent economy, you wouldn't pick dress codes as a big concern for medical practices. But as the newest generation entering the work force starts filling positions at your dermatology practice, it won't be long before you, too, may need to establish - or update - your practice's dress code.