Treating warts necessitates communication
February 1st 2002The treatment of warts can be a frustrating experience for both the dermatologistas well as the patient and/or patient's family. The provider needs to bewell versed in the many rules and regulations that govern the billing ofwarts (e.g., medical necessity issues, CPT and ICD-9 coding) while the patientneeds to be educated on the nature of the condition and the complexitiesassociated with the treatment arsenal.
Cosmetic Conundrums with Zoe Diana Draelos, M.D.
February 1st 2002Q. What is a 2-in-1 shampoo?A. Two-in-1 shampoo is a shampoo designed to cleanse and condition in one step. The original 2-in-1 shampoos neither conditioned well nor cleansed well, but the new varieties have taken advantage of modern silicone technology.
Chemotherapeutic skin reactions sometimes misdiagnosed
February 1st 2002Chicago - One of the important tasks a dermatologist undertakes when assessing a cutaneous reaction to chemotherapy agents is to make sure the presenting condition is not caused by another drug or disorder, Claudia Hernandez, M.D., said.
Daptomycin impressive against dual staph, strep skin infections
February 1st 2002Chicago - Daptomycin (Cidecin), a novel lipopeptide antibiotic, showed a trend toward an improved clinical response compared to current standard therapy in the treatment of complicated skin and soft tissue (cSST) infections caused by dual infection with
Don't worry, be happy while cybershopping
January 1st 2002For the best price, selection, and service, or sometimes for the greatestconvenience, you will find yourself wanting to make a purchase over theInternet. I have been very successfully using the internet over the pastfew years to order thousands of dollars worth of goods and services formy practice and for personal use.
Can I terminate my nurse who refuses to wear latex gloves?
January 1st 2002Nurse Jane has developed an allergic reaction to the latex in her surgicalgloves. At first her hands were pruritic. Now she has asthmatic attackswhen she gets anywhere near latex gloves. Her employer Dr. Doe has purchased1,000 such gloves and refuses to buy any other gloves. Their workplace relationship,over this issue, has become so strained that Dr. Doe has decided to terminateher employment in his office. Can he do so?
Tacrolimus may resolve bovine collagen hypersensitivity
January 1st 2002Dallas - Topical tacrolimus might be a useful modality for managementof bovine collagen hypersensitivity, Brent R. Moody, M.D., said at the annualjoint meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the AmericanCollege of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology.
Recent papers put focus on meaningful melanoma info
January 1st 2002Dallas - The field of melanoma research is represented in therecent literature by several important and provocative publications, PatrickWalsh, M.D., said at the annual joint meeting of the American Society forDermatologic Surgery and the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgeryand Cutaneous Oncology.