Dr. Maloney offers these tips for volunteer speaking, whether on a local,
Dr. Maloney offers these tips for volunteer speaking, whether on a local, state or national level:
1. Know your audience. You would not deliver the same message in the same way to adolescents as you would to a corporate group.
2. Rehearse your message with a nonmedical friend who represents your intended audience. This will help you feel prepared, confident and relaxed with your audience, and how best to deliver your message to that audience.
4. Pace yourself. Don't accept more speaking engagements than you can manage.
5. Do not accept honoraria unless it's a corporate engagement.
6. Don't race through your presentation. It's OK if you don't have time to deliver your entire talk.
7. Know the vicinity where you are going, and if it is safe.
8. Promote your talks with posters or fliers in your office. (Get approval first from the group that recruited you.)
9. Use the services of your hospital's public relations staff.
10. Be flexible and willing to adapt your talk to a different audience or time frame.