A new resource to share with patients follows Nina, who shares the mental and emotional toll of psoriasis and how she manages the condition.
Individuals with psoriasis face not only the struggles of managing their visible signs of the disease, but also the negative mental and emotional impact of psoriasis.1 To bring awareness to the difficulties those with psoriasis endure, Almirall has launched Nina, a 3-part miniseries that follows the life of an enigmatic fashion designer with psoriasis.
From darkness and depression to personal growth and light, Nina rediscovers herself.
Due to the significant lack of awareness of the challenges faced by individuals with psoriasis, Almirall developed the series in cooperation with the International Federation of Psoriatic Disease Associations (IFPA), Acción Psoriasis in Spain, and Eva Vilarrasa, MD, dermatologist at the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain.
The series highlights the life of Nina, an introverted designer who meets an outgoing model who discovers her secret. Through the support of Nina’s dermatologist and her father, Nina opens up to the possibilities available to her, transforming from living with a dark secret to being confident in who she is and not letting a disease define her.
Approximately 77% of individuals living with psoriatic disease believe it negatively affects their physical, social, and emotional wellbeing. By bringing Nina’s story to life, Almirall hopes to send a positive message to those living with the disease that despite the difficulties faced, through a spirit of self-improvement and scientific advances, they can lead a positive, fulfilling life.
The makers of the series also hope to educate the public about psoriasis and break down the stigma that is often associated with the disease.
“The impact of psoriasis goes beyond the visible severity of the skin lesions; it is a disease that disrupts all aspects of the daily lives of the people who live with it and their immediate environment. Through Nina we want to give visibility to the symptoms that often go unnoticed by the society at large but have a huge impact on the quality of life of patients. Our aim is to transform patients' lives by offering a comprehensive approach that not only takes into account physical symptoms, but also those closely associated with wellbeing and mental health,” states Volker Koscielny, MD, Almirall’s Chief Medical Officer.
The full series can be watched at and the site also offers additional information on psoriasisfor patients and their loved ones.