Dermatologists from across the country are getting ready for an engaging week of sessions at Winter Clinical Hawaii.
In an interview with Dermatology Times®, Neal Bhatia, MD, director of clinical dermatology at Therapeutics Clinical Research in San Diego, California, shares what he looks forward to at Winter Clinical Hawaii. Bhatia also shares his experience with attending many of the annual Fall and Winter Clinical meetings.
Neal Bhatia, MD: Hi. I'm Dr. Neal Bhatia. I'm the director of clinical dermatology at Therapeutics Clinical Research in San Diego.
Kaitlyn Bader, Editor: When it comes to Winter Clinical, a big conference like this, what do you look forward to most while attending?
Bhatia: The Winter Clinical conference has been going on for decades, I've been to almost all of them, which has been kind of fun. Same thing with the Fall Clinical meeting in Las Vegas and some of the newer meetings that are in the family. I think, you know, really the camaraderie, the curriculum that's really very high paced, as well as very high intensity, which is great, everyone really brings their A-game as well as you get a really wide variety of speakers from all different walks of not only the space of dermatology, but different parts of the country. And then even more so just the constant flow of good education, you know, good chances to network as well as the interactions with industry. I think a lot of them are very positive and a very good draw for why we go to that meeting.
Transcript edited for clarity