At the 2024 SDPA Fall Conference, Hilary Baldwin, MD, highlighted innovative strategies for managing complex rosacea cases, the importance of combination approaches, and a slowing treatment pipeline.
The topical HDAC inhibitor remetinostat demonstrated favorable tolerability and clinically significant efficacy in reducing disease burden in patients with basal cell carcinoma, according to results from a phase 2 trial.
From a financial perspective, the change from resident to attending dermatologist may be profound.
A 5-expert panel continues their conversation on atopic dermatitis, discussing patient-centered care and key takeaways.
Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD, shares insights into the complexities of treating alopecia areata and guidance for clinicians.
A recent study identified an association between psoriasis severity and IBD, Crohn disease, and ulcerative colitis.
Amanda L. Michaud, PA-C, shares insights on difficult to control chronic spontaneous urticaria at the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting.
Principal investigator Jason Luke, MD, discusses what the new data means for melanoma treatment moving forward.
Findings from a phase 2 trial showed improvements in relapse-free survival with an mRNA vaccine plus Keytruda compared with Keytruda alone in patients with high-risk resected melanoma.
López-Ferrer discussed how to achieve well-being for patients with psoriasis and Koscielny discussed the unique topics of the Skin Academy.
Patients with hidradenitis suppurativa experience knowledge gaps on effective treatments and addressing these gaps could help prevent tissue damage among patients.
John Strasswimmer, MD, PhD comments on the impressive utility of both vismodegib and sonidegib in patients with advanced basal cell carcinoma and Jonathan S Zager, MD, FACS, FSSO provides his insight into the clinical utility of both of these treatments.
Boni Elewski, MD, shares resources for patients with GPP, highlighting a team-based approach to meet the psychological and physical needs of the patient.
The FDA has granted an Orphan Drug designation to the investigational tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy ITIL-168 for the treatment of patients with stage IIB to IV melanoma.
Atoosa Kourosh, MD, MPH, delves into opportunities for allergists and dermatologists to collaborate, her approach to cases, and patient resources.
Kristina Collins, MD, delves into the importance of being present in the moments you have control over and making self-care a priority on the road.
Leading clinicians discuss sun protection best practices based on weather, climate, and travel needs.
Changes in the cutaneous microbiome triggered by warmer temperatures and increased UV radiation may stimulate C. acnes growth.
Pandya gives an in-depth overview of his vitiligo treatment pearls from the 2023 Pigmentary Disorders Exchange Symposium.
The panelist discusses how systemic atopic dermatitis (AD) treatment involves biologics and Janus kinase inhibitors for moderate to severe cases, targeting inflammation and itch with individualized approach based on patient factors, offering significant symptom improvement and skin barrier restoration.
A new study on the gender pay gap in medicine examined earnings data from more than 80,000 doctors.
Fresh spins on established treatments and newly FDA-approved drugs and devices provide a framework for changing therapies and modalities for acne regimens.
Researchers from the University of Michigan and Almirall found that the profibrotic fibroblast response in HS can be modulated through inhibition of the Hippo pathway.