In this week’s Pointers With Portela, the 208SkinDoc discusses 5 key takeaways about Ozempic, including adverse effects and hidden risks.
In his most recent YouTube episode, "5 Things You Need To Know Before Taking Ozempic" Dustin Portela, DO, a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon at Treasure Valley Dermatology in Boise, Idaho, reviews, in his opinion, the 5 most important considerations to know about Ozempic.
In his discussion, Portela covers:
Opinions expressed are that of Portela and do not express the views or opinions of Dermatology Times®.
Dr Portela's social media channels:
2. @208SkinDoc
3. @HealthIQPod
Instagram: @drdustinportela
X (formerly known as Twitter): @drdustinportela