In this week's Pointers with Dr Portela, the 208SkinDoc explains how to repair the skin moisture barrier.
In this week's video, Dustin Portela, DO, a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon at Treasure Valley Dermatology in Boise, Idaho, explains the importance of the moisture barrier and how patients can repair it when damaged.
Portela explains how using too many skin care products in a short time frame can cause skin irritation. Additionally, patients may discover they are allergic to a product after skin irritation has already occurred. Most of the time, he explains, the skin regulates itself, however, the overuse of products can cause the skin barrier to break down.
See how he recommends patients avoid this problem, and his tips on how to restore the barrier once it's broken, in the video below.
Opinions expressed are that of Portela and do not express the views or opinions of Dermatology Times®.