San Diego - A network of teledermatology links throughout Alaska is providing cost-effective, timely access to dermatologic care for indigenous peoples in the nation's most underserved and sprawling state, its designer reports.
Availability of Apremilast in US for Pediatric Patients Opens Avenues for Expanded Treatment Options and Oral Therapy
The Cutaneous Connection: Combatting Treatment Skepticism in Advanced Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
DPCP Immunotherapy Yields 61.8% Hair Regrowth Rate in Pediatric Alopecia Areata
The Cutaneous Connection: Episode 28- The Path to Understanding Pediatric Melanoma
Q&A: Biologic Therapies in Pediatric Dermatology - Vaccines, Adverse Effects, and Personalized Care
Pediatric Dermatology Highlights in July