The Sanofi-Regeneron Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mid-Career Award applications will open September 15.
The Dermatology Foundation (DF) and the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) recently announced a partnership that will expand the understanding of dermatological issues affecting underrepresented or underserved communities in medicine. The Sanofi-Regeneron Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mid-Career Award will be available to 3 established investigators beginning in 2024.1
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Each award will provide $100,000 annually for up to 3 years for research being conducted in the US under the sponsorship of a department or division of dermatology that is Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-approved for training in dermatology. Supported research projects will develop novel results that will provide preliminary data and act as a springboard to larger research grants.
Funding can be used toward any combination of salary and related benefits and project expenses. Application packages will be accepted from September 15 through December 1 each year on the Dermatology Foundation’s online portal. Funding will begin July 1 of the following year.
Award recipients will be selected by the DF and SOCS Collaborative based on certain criteria, including that the proposed project must address an issue impacting groups that are underrepresented or underserved in medicine. Project applicants must also exhibit a strong commitment to research, devote at least 75% of their time to research, and have an MD, DO, MD/PhD, or PhD degree.
"We are honored to collaborate with the Dermatology Foundation on this extraordinary opportunity to support highly trained investigators with a special interest in skin of color dermatology whose work will contribute much-needed research into dermatologic diseases affecting our patients of color," said Andrew F. Alexis, MD, MPH, FAAD, and Skin of Color Society president (2023-2024), and professor of clinical dermatology and vice chair for Diversity and Inclusion at Weill Cornell Medicine in a press release.
The award utilizes the DF’s experience and infrastructure in award development and management and the SOCS’s expertise in diversity, equity, and inclusion(DEI) and extensive reach into the community of DEI investigators.
"The Dermatology Foundation is excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the Skin of Color Society on the Sanofi-Regeneron sponsored DEI mid-career award. We believe this award can be transformative in supporting the next generation of clinical, translational, and basic researchers in this critical area," said Janet A. Fairley, MD, FAAD, president of the Dermatology Foundation and Strauss Professor and chair, department of dermatology, University of Iowa in a press release.