Despite two decades of warnings and education, not only do millions of Americans worship the sun at this time of year, some people can't get enough of it and are taking their desires for a deeper, darker tan a step further.
Research Observe, Classify Adverse Event Profiles for Pediatric Patients Treated With JAK Inhibitors
The Cutaneous Connection: Combatting Treatment Skepticism in Advanced Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
Case of Juvenile Bullous Pemphigoid with Negative Serum BP180 ELISA Test Reveals Need for Additional Testing
The Cutaneous Connection: Episode 28- The Path to Understanding Pediatric Melanoma
“My Skin My Story” Provides Creative Outlet for Young Patients With Eczema
Q&A: Biologic Therapies in Pediatric Dermatology - Vaccines, Adverse Effects, and Personalized Care